Kyle Butler

GLC-LA > >

The 18th Music Class Held on Sep.27

   The 18th Music Class was held by Gunma Music and Culture Association at Gunmamachi Christian church. In the first session, a young American musician, Kyle Butler, performed “Love Me Do” by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Next, he taught us the song.   Next came “Amazing Grace” by John Newton.  Kyle explained how this song was written.  Newton was a slave trader who later regretted what he was doing and turned to God.  Most of us already knew the melody, so our singing became loud and lively.
   In the second session Syuryu Okabe played the Koto. He played an Indian melody, an Okinawan melody, and then a traditional Japanese melody. It was very interesting to hear Koto music played in three different styles.                          The participants who are not Japanese were particularly interested in the instrument and asked him many questions.    There were 29 participants and the church was full. Everyone was friendly and enjoyed the music.

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GLC-LA > >

Kyle Butler


Kyle02.gifKyle Butler
アメリカ、オクラホマ大学卒、フィルム & 映像製作B.A. CELTA


    I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. In 2006, I received my bachelor’s degree in Film and Video Production from Ohio University. I spent the next two years in New York City writing and performing music with my band. In early 2009, my wife and I began an around-the-world trip with stops in Hong Kong, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and now Japan. While in Vietnam, I earned my CELTA (Certificate of English Language Teaching for Adults) at International Language Academy in Ho Chi Minh City. I look forward to both my English and music classes here at GLC and the unique cultural experiences I will gain during my year in Japan.
